Friday, June 4, 2010

York in all it's glory..

Well having arrived in York yesterday afternoon, I have pretty well had enough of York... I have wandered around the place heaps of times and nothing really grabs me. The Cathedral is lovely, but the rest is all really touristy... I haven't found anything I really want to do.
I did visit the library, I thought I would do some family research, the lass there was really helpful, but alas nothing on my family came to light. They are all from North Yorkshire, but I did think they might have some records or Newspaper articles here, but no. So I am thinking of hiring a car when I leave Scotland and driving around North Yorkshire in my own time. The price of train travel, it might even save me money!!
I thought I would try the free internet access at the library, so I decided to buy something to eat so I could use their cafe to check my email, you know, all inconspicuous like.... Well they had some lovely looking fruit scones and the sign said "fruit scones, jam & butter 1 pound (I haven't found a pound sign on my keyboard yet). So they had one with raisins and one with orange bits, so i assumed they were bits of apricot, or some orange fruit. So I grabbed one and some apricot jam to go with it. I was at the check out when this other customer looks at my plate and says "Oh apricot jam and a cheese scone, that should be lovely, I would never have thought to put those together." So I'm thinking "Shit" She goes on to say "Well that should be nice, after all we have cranberry sauce and turkey don't we? I must try one of them next time". I smile and say "I thought I would give it a shot" What the heck else could I say. Who knew they had orange cheese? Anyway I had to eat the damn thing, she was sitting at the next table.... But for your information, it wasn't that bad... Kind of savoury and sweet together, but I don't think I shall have another one, well know knowingly, but then I didn't know this time did I? I do think she is in for a surprise next time though, if she really does try it!!
I have found the English very polite, but some of them are not very patient. If you happen to get in there way while you are rubbernecking (sight seeing) they can be very curt. I mean some times you are there first and they are still rude, in their polite way.."Don't mind me.." that's what they say, or words to that affect, while they are glaring at you. Like I said sometimes you are there first, impatient little buggers. But mostly they are kind and helpful. If you ever need help you just get out a map and look confused and they come running to help you out. In that way they are really lovely.

Well I have decided to spend the afternoon in the bar at my hotel, I have chatted to my girls on Skype and have had a couple of drinks. and am now settling in for the evening. Dinner is not for another 2 hours, so I shall enjoy the ambiance and talk to you all tomorrow.

I hope you enjoy the photo's of York



A typical York Street

Front of the Cathedral

Gorgeous ruins in the park

A little friend, they are very friendly, this is the third one I have had come up to me in England... Does England have Rabies?

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